Sunday 30 January 2022

100th Day of School

On the 100th day of school, we shout hooray! Then we do everything the 100 way! Celebrate the first 100 days of school with math, reading, and writing activities. Let's look at 100th Day of School activities that you can use for remote instruction or in-person learning!


Prior to the 100th Day of School, invite your students to dress like they are 100 years old. Suggest articles of clothing they could wear, such as a cardigan, suspenders, pearls, newsboy hat, trousers, floral print dress, or a blouse. Choose an app that ages students and upload a picture! Alternatively, students can use the photo booth templates to age their selfie. Such fun!


Prior to the 100th Day of School, ask students to bring a collection of 100 things that can fit in a lunch bag or sandwich sized Ziploc bag. Brainstorm suitable items, such as mini-marshmallows, coins, stamps, cereal, paperclips, or rubber bands. Have students showcase their collections. For older students, place items in a variety of arrays - 10 X 10, 25 X 4, 20 X 5, etc.


 Learn about 100 and how we use it everyday. The presentation includes “Would You Rather" questions that are fun, as well as a thought-provoking. Choose a few students for each choice and have them explain why they picked that choice. The presentation also show words that contain centi-, such as centimetre! The presentation culminates with other fun facts about 100!


In the story, 100th Day Worries, Jessica is a worrier. She worries about everything, and that includes what to bring to class for 100th Day. Nothing she can think of seems right. To introduce the story, show a zoomed-in portion of a larger picture. Students guess the possible 100th Day collection based on this small glimpse. Listen to the story and then have the students complete the questions.


“Beat the Timer” is another fun counting game. Can you make it to the number 100 in 100 seconds?! First, set the timer for 100 seconds and see if the class can count to 100 before the time expires. Once they are successful, make the game more challenging by setting the timer for 90 seconds, then 80 seconds, and so on.

WHEN I’M 100 

“When I’m 100” is a fun writing prompt for the 100th Day. For extra fun, you could have the students use an aging app. Then, they could insert their 100 year old selfie onto their digital writing assignment.

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