Friday, 28 September 2018

Pacing Guide With I Can Statements

Working on my latest project! I hope you will find it useful!

I created a pacing guide for my school year to help guide my instructional planning. A pacing guide is sometimes referred to as a curriculum map, or instructional calendar road map. The pacing guide outlines the specific subject area and details when content or topics will be taught. My pacing guide is general, rather than prescriptive. I provide a time frame in which I will cover a topic of study, but try not to provide specific lesson topics as the students provide the pacing of the lessons.

To help aid parent communication and student reflection, I am working on creating I Can statements based on my pacing guide. This allows students to monitor their progress. I highlight the bullet beside the statement as Green for Got It, Yellow for Almost There, and Red for Still Working On It. I leave bullets blank if I do not have enough data to accurately state their progress or our learning is still ongoing (we all get behind!). Students add pieces of evidence to their  I Can Statement sheet, such as writing samples, exit slips, assessments, etc. 

I would love to hear your feedback on my latest project!